About Me


About Me |


For as long as I can remember, art and design have been a part of my life. There has always been something special and eye-catching about the world of design to me, and this was one of the main reasons why I wanted to pursue design as a career. One of the things I love most about design is that you can’t live without it. Everything around us is designed and it’s amazing that people’s creative minds are the ones that make those designs come to life. I wanted to be one of those people.

Throughout my years at Miami University, I dipped my toes in every type of design you could imagine. My classes really gave me a sense of what direction I wanted to go in design-wise. I have been so fortunate to have taken these incredible classes at Miami and am so elated to share my skillset in this portfolio. I am so passionate about design and I couldn’t imagine a time where it wasn’t a part of my life!

Sincerely, Gracie

Areas of Expertise

Sports Design
Digital Marketing
Social Media
UX/UI Design

Check out my resume


(847) 208-5584